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ChinaBio® Group is a consulting and advisory firm helping life science companies and investors achieve success in China. ChinaBio works with U.S., European and APAC companies and investors seeking partnerships, acquisitions, novel technologies and funding in China.  

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Gov't & Regulatory

State FDA (SFDA), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Minsitry of Health (MOH) and other China government agency policies and regulations and how they impact the industry...

The US Speaker of the House Vows Congress will Vote on the Biosecure Act in 2024

US Congress Members Allege GenScript Controlled by China Communist Party

BIO Survey: 74% of Western Biopharmas Would Be Affected by WuXi AppTec Ban

WuXi AppTec Passed Client Data to China Officials, Reuters Says

BIO Switches Gears, Forcing WuXi AppTec Out of Organization

ChinaBio® News

Greg Scott BIO-Europe Interview
Greg Scott Interviewed at BIO-Europe Spring

How to bring your China assets to China in 8 minutes

Greg Scott Mendelspod Interview
"Mr. Bio in China."
Mendelspod Interview

Multinational pharma held to a higher standard in China

Partner Event
November 2-3, 2023 | Shanghai
November 7-8, 2023 | Digital