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BIO Survey: 74% of Western Biopharmas Would Be Affected by WuXi AppTec Ban

publication date: May 9, 2024

BIO, the US-based biopharma trade association, reported that 74% of respondents to a survey have business with China CDMOs (mostly WuXi AppTec). As a result, US (and other non-China biopharma) companies would need up to eight years to find new CDMO partners without disrupting the drug development process if a law is passed that prohibits US biopharmas from doing business with WuXi AppTec. Three months ago, BIO forced WuXi AppTec out of its organization, based on undisclosed information that the company had stolen IP from its clientele. BIO decided to conduct a survey that measured how deeply WuXi is involved with western biopharmas, and the answer is clear: very deep indeed. More details....

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